DL EVENT l 藝術與新青年聚落,Drilling Lab 在 Fucking young
當任何一個存在向未來看齊時,就有機會為大型的主流市場製造不一樣的聲音。巴塞隆納的媒體刊物Fucking Young便是在極度自由的思維下,透視與預測新世代的更迭與真實。從線上平台崛起,聚焦男性市場,並扭轉性別定義,實體刊物化11期以來紀錄了11位男孩的青春;暗示著11趟世代的進程與11次藝術與時尚的完美結合。本次曝光主題「The boy at subway」是由在香港發展的攝影師John Gregory與造型師Alison Tsui為Fucking Young online提出的企畫,將DL 的ANONYMOUS Key-Ring 混搭國際精品與新銳服裝品牌,重新演繹產品的功能與裝飾價值。我們相當榮幸成為他們Fashion Editorial中的造型元件,一起標記生活新的註解。
Try to make some noise and explore possibility of future for the fashion market! The Barcelona publication and online media-Fucking young always show us the new generation in artistic way. Our ANONYMOUS Key-Ring is honor to be the one of style component in fucking young Fashion Editorial「The boy at subway」 which was photographed by John Gregory and styled by Alison Tsui. We would love to see this kind of mix to expand new values of DL. Thank them so much!
●「The boy at subway」Editorial